MBA Degrees


Friday, February 8, 2008

Life After An MBA Program

Life after an MBA program is an exciting time. You will see opportunities open up for your future. In the past, you may have been rejected by employers for lack of experience. Now you are embraced as top candidates for many positions. There are different paths you can take after graduating with an MBA.

You can attain a new position in your present company. Many workers go back to school to get their MBA while they are still working. Some companies pay for your schooling. Once you’ve graduated with your MBA you can apply for positions in your company that you weren’t qualified for before. You will be able to rise to the upper echelons of your present company.

You can also leave your present company and apply for a new position. An MBA gives you the professional know-how to succeed in many different industries. New employers value your MBA and you will earn much higher salaries than you’ve previously experienced. Now you can apply for those jobs that you never thought you were qualified for in the past.

A number of MBA graduates go on to do consulting work especially if you already have years of working experience. Consultants can do business with small organizations or large Fortune 500 companies. People will pay for insight into their current business practices and ways to work more efficiently. In this area, you have the ability to set your own fee. When you have successfully built consulting relationships with businesses you will see the demand for your services rise.

Another path after business school is to start your own. Starting a business is difficult but you now have the education to think beyond the fear of failure. You have learned accounting skills, marketing skills, management skills and other important skills you need to start your own company. You’ve read countless cases of businesses that have succeeded beyond anyone’s imagination and cases that have shown how promising companies have gone bankrupt. You are more prepared than most to start your own project.

Some students enjoy the life of academia and go on to get their PhD in business administration. This can lead to a career in teaching or research. Further education can take five years or so depending on the program. If you have great research and analytical skills and want to contribute to the subject of business and its practices, consider acquiring a PhD.

Many opportunities present themselves after you graduate from an MBA program. If your desire is to work in top managerial positions, then you have taken the right path. Be confident that you have the skills to work at a high level. Your learning and experience will be a great asset to any company

Review more industry related articles by Catherine Zandueta at Catherine Zandueta is a feature writer and often covers topics related to Campus Degree Programs and Career advice.

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