MBA Degrees


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Can You Out Market an MBA in the Real World?

Are you worried because you are up against a huge company with millions of marketing dollars? Do you have competitors who have MBA Marketing Degrees? Are you worried that you cannot compete? Well if you are let me tell you right now; Don’t be! You can out market anyone and win over your customers.

How do I know? Well, our company did this in every city we went to over and over again. We flat won markets and we smoked the competition with huge advertising and marketing budgets and yes they were ALL MBAs and had degrees in marketing.

In fact, I can remember competing against many of them in many regions and well, they blow money like it is going out of style and it is free? Silly really. I once had a franchisee in our company; whose father in-law was a war planner for the Pentagon and retired and he came to visit my home in California once. We had maps all over the wall and he said to me; My God we invaded countries with less information than you have here? I laughed and he said; No, I am serious.

Then I got quiet and it finally hit me, no wonder no one could ever compete with our marketing teams, what we were doing was miles apart from anything that they teach in school. Of course what we were doing was what we learned worked thru trial an error and we were efficient and we focused on one thing; Winning! This is an unclassified glimpse of what I am talking about; kind of another way we use to do it;

I can tell you this, we never missed a beat, we slaughtered the competition; they did not have a prayer. But it was kind of fun to compete against kids with unlimited budgets from Corporate America, if they were really smart they would have simply hired me to show them how? No disrespect to the business schools, many are quite good actually, but you know there is time when the rubbers need to meet the road you see? And that is when the talk stops and winners race on!

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

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