MBA Degrees


Thursday, April 23, 2009

An MBA Degree Online - Is It Worth It?

Now that you've completed you your bachelor degree and have had a few years experience in the business world, it might be just the time for you to consider getting an advanced accredited degree online. Wouldn't it be nice to have an MBA degree? What would an online MBA degree do for your personal satisfaction and your future personal employment possibilities? An online degree has now come of age and many more colleges and universities are offering MBA's online.

Many employers are now accepting accredited online degrees as proof of educational experience. But you have to do your homework before jumping into the online educational pool and be careful of the sharks and piranhas. Some online colleges are worthless but there are many fine, legitimate schools that offer quality education and worthwhile degrees that you can be proud to have worked for. If you are serious about your education stay away from the diploma mills who will grant you an advanced degree in the discipline of your choice for registration fees and the cost of printing your diploma.

Don't get caught up in the hype about how easy it is to get your degree based on "life experience" alone. Life experience can be meaningful, and when paired with previous curricular studies or academic coursework, can be a valuable consideration in granting academic degrees.

    Here are three directory websites with good information you can use to check out online colleges:

Check the status and reputation of any school before enrolling for any course of study and before you pay any tuition. The common denominator of any good online college will be the hard work you must perform to earn your MBA degree.

The greatest benefit of any online college is the ability it gives you to continue working while you attend classes online. Under most circumstances you can set your own pace, most schools are very flexible, but at some point you may find that your college requires one or more periods of residence on their campus to attend classes and to fully qualify for your degree.

It goes without saying that the quality of any MBA degree you attain online will be directly related to the amount of good, hard work that you put into achieving that goal.

This article was written by Jack Igan, a contributing writer and publisher of educational topics, including online degree programs at You can get much more information on accredited online degree programs at our website. Reproductions of this article are encouraged but must not be changed or altered in any way and must include this resource box with all live links pointing to

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