MBA Degrees


Friday, May 15, 2009

MBA Without an Undergraduate Degree? Yes, it's Possible!

M.B.A. (Master of Business Administration) is a tough and expensive graduate degree that usually requires an undergraduate diploma as a prerequisite.

But, believe it or not, there are still a few M.B.A. programs around the country which accept business experience as a substitute for college degree.

1) Southern Methodist University's Cox School of Business in Dallas, Texas. Marci Armstrong, the associate dean for graduate programs, has described the graduate students without undergraduate diplomas as follows: ?I find that these students become very loyal and active alumni. Their executive M.B.A. credential may mean more to them than it does to other students because they don't have an undergraduate degree.? (Wall Street Journal, April 24, 2007)

2) University of North Carolina and Georgia State University are among the other big universities that do accept highly-motivated M.B.A. students with business experience who do not have a formal college education. David Forquer, the head of Georgia State's executive M.B.A. program had nothing but high praise for such students: ?They almost always turn out to be wonderfully engaged students.? In 1998, the top M.B.A. graduate at Georgia State was a non-degree student.

There are also those executive education classes and management certificate programs available for non-degree students that provide quality executive training without, however, awarding an M.B.A. degree. Indiana University's Kelley School of Business is one such school.

CalTech's Industrial Relations Center also do have a good ?Executive Education Program? that you might want to check out.


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Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Growth Of Online MBA Degrees

Are online MBA degrees less valuable than the MBA degrees that are earned in a classroom environment? It is a million dollar question that is asked by everyone today. MBA degrees online are very expensive and it involves putting huge amounts of money at risk.

Let us take a look at the MBA degrees that are available online. The number of MBA programs online is increasing by the day with the increase in the number of students enrolling for them. Employers today are forced to reconsider their attitude of distance learning. They have to understand that the programs available online are competent enough to produce graduates of the same caliber as in conventional learning environments. Not all the degree-granting MBA courses available online are equal regarding syllabus, instruction and official recognition.

Employers know that not all MBA courses available online are worth the paper that they are printed on. These degrees are issued by ?diploma mills?, which are institutions that charge large sums of money and give worthless education. If you want to do an online MBA degree you must be very clear about the institution you choose. Pursue an MBA degree from a well-known institution that is recognized by the specific regional accrediting authority.

An MBA degree pursued online from a reputed institution will be similar in composition to that which the students pursue by attending classes on campus. Online students make their own schedules, depending on what is more convenient to them, but they will have to pay attention to lectures, read appropriate chapters from other textbooks and also take part in classroom discussions. They will have to spend quite a lot of their time online. Students will be exposed to videoconferences, podcasts and lectures on videotape. Most of these MBA programs online need residency hours - they also need the students to be physically present at important workshops and coursework. The students are required to undergo various tests and pass them while a local proctor is present.

Online MBA degrees are very convenient. Though the coursework and the syllabus will not differ too much, what will be different is that the online students have a lot of flexibility in their schedule. With accelerated online MBA courses, students today are able to finish the course requirements faster than those who sit in conventional classroom environments. These are the most important reasons why students opt for online MBA courses.

Online MBA courses are very often as expensive as the courses that are offered by institutions in conventional classroom environments. As with other degrees too, the costs vary significantly among institutions. The more well known and reputed the institution, the more will be the cost of the degree. The students should be mainly doubtful of an online MBA program if it is priced considerably less than the competitor. This does not mean that the program is a scam or a fraud, but those students who want to pursue an online degree must carefully go through the history of the institution, its credibility and also get information from previous students before enrolling.

To sum up, if your online MBA degree has to be taken seriously by your employer, you have to make sure that you make the right choice and select the right program.

For more information about distance learning accreditation and online college visit


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Thursday, April 23, 2009

An MBA Degree Online - Is It Worth It?

Now that you've completed you your bachelor degree and have had a few years experience in the business world, it might be just the time for you to consider getting an advanced accredited degree online. Wouldn't it be nice to have an MBA degree? What would an online MBA degree do for your personal satisfaction and your future personal employment possibilities? An online degree has now come of age and many more colleges and universities are offering MBA's online.

Many employers are now accepting accredited online degrees as proof of educational experience. But you have to do your homework before jumping into the online educational pool and be careful of the sharks and piranhas. Some online colleges are worthless but there are many fine, legitimate schools that offer quality education and worthwhile degrees that you can be proud to have worked for. If you are serious about your education stay away from the diploma mills who will grant you an advanced degree in the discipline of your choice for registration fees and the cost of printing your diploma.

Don't get caught up in the hype about how easy it is to get your degree based on "life experience" alone. Life experience can be meaningful, and when paired with previous curricular studies or academic coursework, can be a valuable consideration in granting academic degrees.

    Here are three directory websites with good information you can use to check out online colleges:

Check the status and reputation of any school before enrolling for any course of study and before you pay any tuition. The common denominator of any good online college will be the hard work you must perform to earn your MBA degree.

The greatest benefit of any online college is the ability it gives you to continue working while you attend classes online. Under most circumstances you can set your own pace, most schools are very flexible, but at some point you may find that your college requires one or more periods of residence on their campus to attend classes and to fully qualify for your degree.

It goes without saying that the quality of any MBA degree you attain online will be directly related to the amount of good, hard work that you put into achieving that goal.

This article was written by Jack Igan, a contributing writer and publisher of educational topics, including online degree programs at You can get much more information on accredited online degree programs at our website. Reproductions of this article are encouraged but must not be changed or altered in any way and must include this resource box with all live links pointing to

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Friday, July 4, 2008

Online MBA Degrees And Programs

If you are considering getting an online MBA degree you ay wonder if they hold the same value as an MBA that is earned at a traditional university. Online MBA degrees do cost a lot of money, to the tune of thousands of dollars, and this is a large sum of money to pay. You want to be sure that you use this money wisely and that you find a program that is accredited and that will be widely accepted. It is important to find the right program that will offer all you need and also holds a good reputation.

Lately many people have decided to go back to school, and most of them are earning their degrees online. Since so many people are turning to online schools to earn their MBA?s, an employer cannot just turn up his nose at a degree earned online any more. With so many people getting these degrees online people do have to admit that some of them are credible, but it is important to note that not every MBA degree program is credible and some are not near equal to a traditional education for MBA degrees.

You should be aware, as your employer is, that some online programs may offer MBA degrees that are entirely worthless. There are places that will hand out a degree to almost anyone who will give them a tidy sum of money. You need to be sure that you do not fall for these scams and that you find a reputable place to earn your MBA degree from. You should look for a place that is accredited and be sure of what you are getting into before you sign up or pay out any money.

If you are going to get a quality MBA degree online you can expect it to be very much like traditional classes for the same degree. Even though you can do your schooling at times that are convenient for you, you should still be ready to expect to do a lot of reading, to listen to lectures, and to have discussions with other classmates. You can accomplish all of this online using email, video conference, and other great forms of technology. Most MBA degree programs require residencies, so you should be prepared to do these even if you are doing your degree online.

Getting an MBA Degree online is much more convenient, even though you will still have to work hard. You will be able to fit your classes around your schedule, which is a huge bonus. Often you may be able to finish an online degree faster than you ever could have completed a traditional one. Although they are convenient, you will still be investing a lot of money into this degree. Sometimes they will be just as expensive as attending a university would be. If you decide to take classes online to earn your MBA Degree be sure to check the prices of various places to find the best deal for you.

Jennifer Petersen is a staff writer at Education Digest and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Career's Digest.


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Friday, June 27, 2008

MBA Program, Distance Learning, Business Degree

We all reach points in life when we feel that everything has plateaued. We can't push any further processionally in our careers and because of this other areas of our life might seem stalled. Promotions don't just grow on trees at most companies so it's tough climbing the corporate ladder, not to mention all the other demands placed on you outside the office from your family and friends. You think wouldn't earning an MBA degree just push you over the edge to the next level in your career. But how on earth would you ever find the time to make it happen? Most work places aren't to keen on granting leave of absence for education, and of course quitting is pretty much out of the question unless you win the lottery. How can you progress your education and still support your families financial needs?

Distance learning MBA programs as a solution

So just when you didn't think you could have your cake and eat it to, along comes distance learning MBA degrees. You can keep your current day job, and be able to study towards your MBA at the same time. No need to goto classes at a campus every week, you study when and where you want on your terms. You're able to pursue your career goals and enhance your education on your terms not some high priced college or university.

One of the best features of an online distance MBA course is that there are no hard and fast schedules for classes. You're able to complete course work at your own pace, and can move faster or slower at different points in the year when it suits your schedule. Exams can be written when you're ready for it, and if life becomes to busy to manage your course work at particular times you can always put off exams to a later date when time permits.

While some people may tell you that a distance MBA program doesn't hold the same prestige as a conventional program at a brick and mortar college their mistaken. Enrolling and completing an online MBA program is in many ways an even better option for your education than a conventional offline degree. Because distance learning allows you to enroll in your degree program while at the same time working full time to support yourself and your family.

While financial support is available for most distance learning programs, the benefit of being able to work and study usually allows most students to avoid taking on large volumes of debt in order to graduate. This means you can enjoy the financial benefits of your education faster.

A distant student enjoys as much if not more attention from instructors then those that attend classes at a local college. All material and guidance can be done via the Internet. This provides you with more options to communicate with classmates and instructors such as instant messaging, chat rooms, and email.

If you're ready to take the next step in progressing your education take a moment to visit our websites Online MBA course and Associate Business Degree.

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Saturday, June 21, 2008

How useful is an MBA degree?

Many business schools are currently offering MBA degrees. It is one of the most sought after qualification now. To an individual, an MBA degree is a great investment. The cost for a full-time MBA course includes course fees, accommodation costs, living expenses, time spent in studying and loss of earnings. Despite the high price to pay for an MBA degree, it is still considered a worthwhile investment. This is because an MBA degree is a useful qualification to have. It can enable an individual to progress successfully in his or her career. If you are considering whether to enroll in an MBA course, you should find out what an MBA degree can do for you. The following points will enlighten you on how an MBA can impact on your future.

* The MBA degree opens new job opportunities for its graduates. Those who possess this degree have more career options. As the MBA course teaches a broad area of management skills, it helps to create opportunities for its graduates to move from a specialized discipline into general management. The graduates are no longer restricted to only seek for jobs in their own specialized field. They can switch careers and move to some other professions.

* The MBA degree equips a person for management posts. If a person who is trained in a specialized field gets promoted to a higher position, he or she may need to undertake a more strategic management role. The training an MBA course provides helps to equip a person for this role. For example, an engineer who lacks general management training will benefit from the course if he is promoted to be the head of the engineering department.

* The MBA degree can help increase an individual's salary. After obtaining the MBA degree, many graduates either gained a promotion with an increase in salary or found better paid jobs. Ultimately, many of them went on to climb impressive career ladder. They enjoyed success in both rank and salary.

* As the MBA degree is the most versatile higher education credential in the world, those who have this degree can consider working abroad. Hence, the MBA degree opens up opportunities for a person to select an international career path.

* The MBA course equips its students with the essential knowledge required for starting their own businesses. The course teaches the students about business management and how a company should be run. Thus, MBA graduates can have the option of starting their own business after completing the course.

* The MBA course provides opportunities for network building. In each MBA class, there is a diverse group of students who come from different parts of the world. The students get to know one another through class interaction and participation. Strong ties are often cultivated among the students.

* The MBA course provides a good learning experience. An MBA class consists of a group of highly competent people from various professions and educational background. As they interact with one another, each student can find out from other students how other businesses are run and learn about better methods and strategies being utilized by other businesses. Hence, an MBA course provides good exposure and wonderful insights to its students.

* The MBA course serves as a form of personal development for an individual. MBA graduates gain intellectual confidence and analytical ability that they need for their careers. The course provides them insights in problem-solving and enables them to take a broader view of organizational problems.

* The MBA qualification provides personal fulfillment for an individual. Some people desire to obtain an MBA degree and consider it as one of their life's goals.

As seen from the above, the MBA degree has many benefits and is a useful qualification to acquire. Besides, the course is an interesting and enriching one. It gives you a fruitful experience of personal development, education and network building. Taking an MBA course is indeed a worthwhile way to spend your money and time! To find out more information on distance learning MBA course, you are encourage to request for a free catalogue at distance learning MBA to make an informed decision.

Rose Mary Freelance writer on various interest topics To find out more information on distance learning MBA course, you are encourage to request for a free catalogue at:

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Online MBA Degree

MBA is an abbreviation for master of business administration. This is a higher degree designed to teach people from any industry sector the skills needed to effectively manage an organization at a senior level, or to help a fledgling business succeed.

It's a well-known fact that earning an MBA can boost your career (along with your salary). Widespread need in a variety of sectors suggests that you can explore any number of industries with an online MBA degree in your hands.

Today's MBA degree has evolved to keep up with the demands of our dynamic and global business world. Demand for individuals with MBAs is strong in a number of sectors including: * the U.S. government * non-profits * healthcare organizations * consulting firms * banks * technology companies

An online MBA is a graduate degree program designed for business leaders who do not have the time to attend classes or who do not live close to a campus. You can achieve an online MBA degree in a variety of business areas such as accounting, electronic commerce, marketing and project management.

An online MBA degree can help people make a career change, or take that next step up the corporate ladder by simply studying at home through the Internet with multimedia tools. Because most people are already busy with life, they might find that distance education fits their schedule better than attending a traditional classroom.

Students coming from any discipline are invited to enroll. Pursuing an MBA, online or through traditional means, shows employers you are committed to improving your future as well as showing a passion for learning. Possibly the most important bottom line is the potential of increased salary.

Entry-level salaries are typically higher for MBA graduates than non-MBAs. An MBA is a degree that clearly gives graduates an edge-up in the job market.

Students and graduates cited the following top reasons for pursuing an MBA degree: * Greater earning potential and confidence, * Career advancement, * Career shift or total change, * Paid training by an employer (sponsoring the MBA degree in whole or part), * Development of technical expertise and business savvy, * Gaining leadership in an emerging field, * Gaining networking resources, * Increased job security.

Hopefully, an online MBA degree will be your path to better pay and a great career. You just need to think carefully about what kind of MBA degree you can earn. If you're among the thousands of graduate student hopefuls looking to get into business school, perhaps it is time to explore earning your MBA online.

About the Author

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail

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