MBA Degrees


Sunday, January 6, 2008

How To Find the Best Online MBA Programs

So, you’ve decided to go back to school to get your MBA, but just aren’t sure how you will fit it in with your hectic lifestyle. Since quitting your job is out of the question, perhaps looking into online learning may be just the ticket for you. An honest evaluation of your intent should be the first step in embarking on the path to success.

Will you have the time? Will the funds be available? Do you have the desire and commitment to follow through? These are just a few of the considerations you must address before embarking on such a life-altering experience.

Online MBA programs have increasingly become one of the most popular avenues for both young and old as they offer a flexibility that is rarely attainable with conventional education facilities. Before you decide to invest your hard-earned dollars in any online MBA program, you must spend a little time doing some research. Being fully cognizant of all your options, the costs involved and the time commitment necessary to complete your degree will go a long way in helping you to make an informed decision. Some of the things you should consider are:

What are the differences between online MBA programs and traditional programs?


  • Whether you obtain your MBA from an accredited online establishment or decide to attend a bricks and mortar institution, the curriculum is basically the same. Online students are still expected to be dedicated students whose primary focus is obtaining a degree. Being an online student does, however, require a particular commitment as most of your studying is done independently.



  • Respectable Online MBA programs offer a curriculum based on lectures, readings, assignments and participation in online discussions. Students will be expected to take part in video lectures, videoconferencing and pod casting. Some online institutions do require physical attendance at a limited number of related courses and workshops.



  • Online learning students must be prepared to spend as much time studying as their counterparts, the big difference is that online students can regulate their own schedules and fit the work in when time permits.


Do potential employers accept Online MBA degrees?


  • An MBA degree obtained from respectable, accredited Online Learning Centers offer the same opportunity to open doors to better careers as graduates from bricks and mortar establishments receive. However, this is where your research plays a vital role. Make sure the school you attend is not only respectable, but also accredited.



  • Most post-secondary institutions now offer an off-campus, Online learning options and they have developed intensive multimedia programs used to assist their students in developing skills, building comprehensive portfolios and acquiring the information necessary to advance in their chosen field.



  • Schools with good reputations will offer accredited, comprehensive and respectable online training programs. However, be aware that there are numerous unaccredited programs that provide worthless degrees and are designed primarily to separate you from your hard-earned dollars. Never commit funds or time to any of these so called “diploma mills”.


How do I find an accredited, respectable site for my online MBA learning?


  • Try querying “distance learning” in any search engine and you will come up with a myriad of sites to choose from.



  • Contact an accredited school and ask if they provide online distance learning as an optional tool for students.



  • You might want to start your search by perusing .


Remember, online learning offers a great deal more flexibility than traditional means, however, your dedication and commitment levels must be finely tuned. Employers are always on the lookout for motivated, self-starters who are committed to their futures. These qualities are readily apparent in anyone who has successfully completed an online MBA program and should be appreciated by any HR representative wanting to bring winners onto their teams.

Rob Thomas is a freelance writer and webmaster. Check out for more information on getting your college degree or masters degree online.

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