MBA Degrees


Friday, March 28, 2008

3 Mistakes MBA Aspirants Make In The Personal Interview For The Indian Institutes of Management

Blaming your College/School Professor for low scores: You are always 100% responsible for your grades. If you have low scores then don’t ever state that your teacher did not clarify the subject or rushed the topic. Do you think studies at IIM’s or any MBA institutes are designed to be studied in an easy relaxed spoon fed manner? Wrong the MBA curriculum is a real test of your abilities to stay awake and perform at your best. If you blame your teachers – you are out.

2. Blaming ill health: What are you LOSER NO 1? If exam days give you bad health, how will you be able to achieve corporate profit targets? Unless you are actually physically handicapped you cannot be expected to fall ill under mysterious circumstances whenever pressure builds around you. Even if you were truly sick - try to come out with some other reason for your lack of extra curricular activities or low scores.

3. State hobbies just for the heck of it: OK so you enjoy cricket. Do you know the technical details of the game? How many members are there in the BCCI governing council? The IIM professors do not appreciate mere couch potatoes. Hobbies are not merely for adding spice to your CV. State only 2 hobbies and try to learn everything there is to that hobby.

The MBA Personal Interview is actually tougher than job interviews. In job interviews they actually need manpower so they don’t ask tough questions. Here you are being SHORTLISTED against equally capable competitors so they are trying to find means to NOT SELECT you. So be careful with your replies.

Priyanka is a MBA from IIM- Bangalore and works as a communication specialist. Her website provides useful tips for MBA aspirants to succeed in the MBA Group Discussion and Personal Interview.

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