MBA Degrees


Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Global MBA

Imagine visiting the Nestle headquarters in Switzerland, learning about capital markets in New York, meeting your team members for a project in Rio de Janeiro, attending an exports seminar in Shanghai, discussing NAFTA regulations in Mexico, or discussing an intercultural marketing case study in Spain. This is the new curriculum for Global MBA students. Whether you are looking for financial, marketing or information technology expertise, a global Master of Business Administration is a program that will develop skills that are extremely necessary in today’s world.

Not only will you travel and experience new cultures, but you will also learn to collaborate with other fellow students who come from distinct cultures in foreign soil. Outsourcing, international trade, and new potential markets are all valid reasons to get a global MBA. However, even if you are not planning to work for a multinational corporation, global skills are extremely useful and necessary in today’s day and age. For example, companies are now hiring “diversity officers” to offer advice on how to integrate their employees (on the positive side) and how to deal with ethnic intolerance and discrimination (on the negative side). Entrepreneurs are trying to find ways to leverage the Internet and other communication technology to shorten distances and acquire untapped foreign markets. Businesses that target the new generations – generations that are becoming more and more bilingual and multicultural - must adapt and change with their marketing strategies. It is very clear that a global vision and global expertise are fundamental assets now more than ever.

A Global MBA will give you the opportunity to open your eyes and meet the world. For those who have spent years learning in a classroom listening to endless lectures, the global MBA offers a newer and fresher experience: Hands-on experience working on international projects in international cities with international classmates. It can definitely be the experience of a lifetime or one that will open your eyes and allow you to experience new visions, cultures, friendships, and experiences. Your perspective of the world will change. You will no longer have nothing in common with your Chinese co-worker. After a course seminar in Shanghai, you will be able to relate to him and talk about your cultural experience. A global MBA should be able to provide you with the platform that connects you to the world while inspiring you with a new vision for you career and your life.

Think you haven’t got time for a global MBA? Nonsense! Instituto de Empresa (IE) and Thunderbird offer high-ranking global MBA programs online. IE, ranked #11 by Financial Times, offers an 18 months Global MBA program for English and Spanish speakers. The program allows students to connect to the virtual classroom from anywhere in the world. In addition to virtual lectures and videoconferences, students are required to participate in residencies in different cities including Madrid, London, New York, Santiago, Shanghai, and other cities. The program offers the flexibility business professionals require nowadays and the cultural diversity that provides them with a competitive edge. Thunderbird, ranked #1 in international business by U.S. News & World Report, offers a global MBA program where students from all over the world participate through virtual classrooms and on-site seminars in the USA, China and Europe.

Full-time students can also take advantage of global opportunities through international and study-abroad MBA programs. ESCP-EAP European School of Management offers a truly European MBA program where students take courses in at least three or more European countries including Spain, England, Italy, Germany and France. For US-based students, the Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University offers a cross-continental option where students can study at partner universities such as IAE Graduate School of Business at the Sorbonne, the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and also participate in a two-week seminar in China. Other US business schools, such as the Anderson School of Management at UCLA, offer plenty of study abroad opportunities at partner universities in Asia, Europe, Latin America, Australia, the Middle East, and Africa.

With so many international opportunities and curriculum formats, prospective MBA students now have a variety of options to choose from without sacrificing jobs, family, or the desire to travel and learn about different cultures. A global MBA definitely gives you plenty to gain and – if your employer chooses to foot the bill – nothing to lose.

Denisse Romero

Study Abroad and Travel Advisor

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MBA Salaries

The MBA graduates have a vital role in the competitive business world today. They are eagerly needed by businesses worldwide. Salaries and other bonuses influence these post graduates. The salary for all levels of MBA holders shows continuous increment each year. Studies show that the average salaries for MBA professionals have risen above 21% in the last seven years. The MBA salaries also increase with seniority levels within an organization. With an MBA degree, one can increase his salary up by as much as 50%.

Besides the base salary, the total compensation earned yearly include bonus of around $25,000 and other benefits, including tuition reimbursement, car allowances, and relocation that add about $15,000 on an average. The base salary and bonus may vary from one company to another. Some companies offer a higher base salary and fewer bonuses, while others offer a high year-end bonus.

Business companies look for MBA graduates to widen their business areas to get more profit. A professionally qualified MBA graduate can assist the company to meet the business targets. As the profit level of a company increases, there may be increases in the remuneration to its staff. This is the main factor that increases the average salary of a business professional. Also, some leading business companies offer competitive and exciting salaries and benefits to qualified and experienced MBAs solely to attract them. Year-after-year the salary scale goes up; each year showing a large difference with its preceding year.

A significant salary change can be seen in a person's salary if he or she completes an MBA program while working in an organization. But, there are a number of factors determining the salary offer like the area of specialization, prior earnings profile, pre-MBA work experience, geographic location and cost of living, and the academic record in the business school he or she attends. Compensation packages will also be offered. Consider a person working in a reputed business company earning a salary of $25,000 per year; the salary will increase up to $50,000 or $60,000 after his MBA graduation.

MBA provides detailed information on MBA, Top MBA Programs, MBA Online, MBA Programs and more. MBA is affiliated with Online Business Schools.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

MBA Jobs

MBA (Masters of Business Administration) is a post graduate program which deals with business aspects and business communication. It is a widely accepted degree program which is a major step towards a successful business management career. The curriculum allows students to acquire all the necessary knowledge, both theoretical and practical, to make a better career in the business administration world.

Today, MBA jobs are considered as the hottest among the young business professionals. An MBA degree opens up a new world to the business professionals to get jobs in almost all sectors including marketing, finance, banking, legal, manufacturing, insurance, sales, information technology, and management consulting. It also assists you to improve your ability to become a successful business man and if necessary, to manage your own small business.

It is not very easy to get an MBA job that allows an MBA degree holder to use his or her acquired skills and abilities. However, there are a number of ways to make use of your MBA. Networking, MBA career placement services, headhunters or executive recruitment, and internet sites with MBA jobs are four main approaches that assist you to get an MBA job. About 70% of MBA jobs are never advertised and are usually filled through internal appointments. So, to get a job in a particular post or organization the job seeker will have to build a good network with many talented individuals.

Business schools with MBA career placement services organize MBA job fairs and maintain active links with reputed business organizations. These allow the students to get a better understanding about these business jobs and help them to search for a good career. Executive recruitment services collect your details and help you to search for a job that you actually want. Another job search strategy is to surf the Internet sites advertising MBA vacancies. WorkTree is a complete job portal which holds up-to-date MBA vacancies as they become available.

For starters, there are a number of issues to be considered when assessing a job offer from an organization. The nature of the job, salaries and benefits, location of the posting, the opportunities provided by the employer, and the position of the organization are some of them.

MBA provides detailed information on MBA, Top MBA Programs, MBA Online, MBA Programs and more. MBA is affiliated with Online Business Schools.

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Monday, January 28, 2008

MBA Basics

The MBA is perhaps the most coveted course in today’s world. This course tops the list of courses almost in all the developed and developing countries across the globe. The enthusiasm for the course has brought in many small private institutes etc. to offer this course. However, only those students who have obtained the MBA degree from some recognized eminent university find the best of placements. So the institute or the university is the first factor for a successful career in this field. This article will educate you about the various issues like finance, strategy to study, interview etc. related to choosing MBA as a profession.

• In today’s competitive world there are no shortcuts. The student willing to take admission in one of the best institutes either in Asia or abroad, need to study hard and get the good grades. 3.0 to 4.0 are the minimum grades required at the undergraduate grade point average (GPA).

• Most of the MBA schools or colleges adjudicate the caliber of the student via the GMAT or The Graduate Management Admissions Test exam. This test is to estimate the individual’s knowledge of English, Math and Analytical writing skills. The verbal or English section comprises of 41 questions to be answered within 75 minutes. The questions like correcting the hidden grammatical mistakes etc. The Math section has 37 questions and same 75 minutes. Questions are on various mathematical topics like percentage, ratio and so forth. The writing analysis is based on writing two essays on different issues.

• The school and university depend on the grades that you get in the exam. Good grades will fetch you a deemed university while poor ones may not.

• MBA programs are full time and part time and within this program there are many choices. Like you can take up finance management, HR, etc. it is at the discretion of the student to decide which course to go for.

• Once you have made a preference for the course, the time comes to look at the fee structure. Usually the MBA schools charge a high fee which is not within the reach of students. In this case they look for other financial aids. Many schools offer scholarships, grants etc. that can be looked up to. Else the loan facility is always available. The loan providing banks and companies also consider the grades and the institution that recommends the name of the student. The successful schools are known for producing productive students who can repay the loan conveniently with their salaries.

The FAFSA or the Free Application for Federal Students, loan offered by the federal government is doing remarkable job in this area. However, due to the popularity of the loan, the application should be sent as soon as possible.

• Many MBA schools ask for recommendation letters. This is in order to justify a student’s authenticity. In this case the letter should be taken by an honored and known authority whose recommendation lifts your name in the eyes of its seekers.

• The school life is followed by hunt for a job. If you have passed from a top most school, job is not an issue; still you need to be prepared to win your contenders. When going for an interview wear decent clothes that are not too jazzy and funky and colorful. Practice properly with a friend or family member before the day of interview. Don’t forget to take a copy of resume and cover letter along with your certificates. You need to be familiar with each and every word of your resume and cover letter. Don’t be nervous and maintain a calm composure. Try replying in a prudent manner to all their questions. Even if you make a mistake, don’t let it affect your rest of the answers and your attitude.

So go ahead and chase your dreams!

Mansi aggarwal writes about MBA .. Learn more at

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Friday, January 25, 2008

MBA Scholarships

MBA scholarship programs provide financial assistance for deserving MBA students. Such types of scholarships are available for both financial assistance and academic accomplishment. Mainly, these are best suited for those who actually believe that this assistance to be worthy of them. You can get MBA scholarships from numerous sources, including professional associations, private companies, and foundations. Depending on the source, the eligibility criteria also vary with academic achievement, leadership potential, and managerial experience. In addition, a number of independent bodies also offer grants to leading business schools to set up these scholarships.

An MBA program needs a massive financial investment which stretches throughout the program. Sometimes it may not be affordable for students from average families. Then these students will need a financial assistance. The cost of an MBA program includes a course fee of about $ 8,000 to $60,000 a year, boarding, food, travel, books, a PC, etc. In the USA, around 60 percent of the MBA students receive scholarship assistance. The scholarships are available for both full-time and part-time programs.

Today, a number of colleges award scholarships for the part-time evening MBA students. This financial assistance is limited to non-academic employees and academic professionals who will retain their jobs while participating in the MBA program. Nearly all the applications are automatically considered for merit scholarships in reputed business schools. Such type of scholarship ranges from $4,000 to full-tuition fee. Entrance scholarships, amounting up to $175,000, are awarded to full-time MBA students who have demonstrated outstanding academic records in their previous classes.

You will get information on any type of scholarship from business school information centers or the school websites. In addition, numerous search services on the Internet will provide you the facility to locate MBA scholarships. Some scholarships require periodical renewal. This may involve continuous maintenance of your academic status and a minimum GPA, retaining full-time enrollment, and continuing to study in the same major. Some others require community service and other extra curricular activities. Most colleges offer these academic MBA scholarships with an aim to attract very talented students.

MBA provides detailed information on MBA, Top MBA Programs, MBA Online, MBA Programs and more. MBA is affiliated with Online Business Schools.

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Is an MBA Deductible?

You can deduct as an "employee business expense" the cost of education that is (1) expressly required by an employer, by law, or by government regulation, or (2) maintains or improves skills required in your current trade or business.

Education is not deductible if it (1) is the minimum requirement for a trade or business, or (2) prepares one for a new trade or business, even if the taxpayer does not intend to enter that trade or business.

Deductible expenses include-

* tuition, textbooks, registration fees, and supplies,

* round-trip transportation to the education,

* meals (at 50%) and lodging while away from home,

* lab fees, student cards, insurance and degree costs, and

* writing expenses for term papers and dissertations (i.e. research and typing).

Are the costs of obtaining a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) or equivalent degree deductible as a business expense? According to the Tax Court - Yes and No.


A taxpayer was employed to sell sports-related products because of his prior experience in sports medicine. In the course of his job he performed management, marketing and financial tasks. Encouraged by his employer, he enrolled in an MBA program in the hopes of "moving up the ladder". As a result of his studies he was promoted.

The Tax Court, in D.R. Allemeier Jr, T.C. Memo 2005-207, found that-

* Encouraging the taxpayer to obtain an MBA degree as a means of advancing through the company did not amount to a "minimum requirement" for promotion, and neither did the fact that the taxpayer actually advanced as a result of the MBA program;

* The MBA degree did not prepare the taxpayer for a new trade or business, as he was already performing managerial and financial tasks before enrolling in the program, and, while he was promoted as a result of the MBA studies, he did not change the basic nature of his duties; and

* While a degree that qualifies a taxpayer for a professional certification or license, such as a law degree, may prepare him for a new trade or business even though he had previously been performing essentially the same tasks, an MBA does not qualify one for a professional certification or license.

The cost of the MBA degree was deductible.


A taxpayer had been employed by several financial firms as a "financial analyst". In the investment banking industry a financial analyst is a temporary position which usually does not last more than 2 or 3 years. An MBA degree is a requirement for an "associate", which is a permanent position. The taxpayer received a Master of Management degree, the equivalent of an MBA, and obtained a position in the general management program of a management firm.

The Tax Court, in Will M. McEuen III wt. ux. v. Commissioner, T.C. Summary Opinion 2004-107, found that-

* The taxpayer enrolled in the degree program to meet the minimum education requirement for an associate in the investment banking industry; and

* The degree qualified for a new trade or business because the education allowed the taxpayer to perform significantly different tasks than those performed prior to enrollment in the program.

The cost of the degree was not deductible.

As is often the case in tax law, the "deductibility" of an MBA degree depends on the "facts and circumstances" of the individual situation.

If you cannot deduct the cost of acquiring an MBA as a business expense, all is not lost. You may be able to claim a deduction or credit for a part of the tuition and fees elsewhere on the return. But that is the topic for another article.

Robert Flach is a tax professional with 34 tax seasons of experience preparing 1040s for individuals in all walks of life. He writes THE WANDERING TAX PRO weblog (, the NJ TAX PRACTICE BLOG (, and the tax planning and preparation website, which provides a wealth of tax advice and information. He also writes and publishes THE FLACH REPORT, a quarterly tax newsletter. The above article is from the Winter 2005 issue of THE FLACH REPORT.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Indian institute of Management located in 6 cities of India are the asset for India in Management studies. These institutes are top ranking & highly reputed in Business World. The MBA degree from these institutes is mighty in management streams. The average packages offered to students of these B-Schools is around 10 lakh INR p.a. in India & around US$200000 p.a. abroad.

To get admission to such reputed institutes is not a easy task. The exam called Common admission test or CAT is entrance exam for these B-Schools. This exam is one of the toughest exam in Asia. The CAT tests English, maths & reasoning of the candidate. More than this its a nerve testing exam. After written test GD & PIs are the next hurdle to get into IIMs.

The CAT is held once a every year in November. Besides IIMs, many other B-Schools accept CAT score for admission to their Management programs.

There are three sections in CAT exam. Quantitative section, Verbal ability & reading comprehension section & last one is Data Interpretation. The quantitative section is all about Maths, the areas tested are geometry, mensuration,numbers, & coordinate geometry. Speed, approach & accuracy are key to crack CAT.

For CAT one should know extensive theory & almost all concepts. you have to pick & choose certain areas that you are master of because of time limitations. Many steps of complex calculations required.

What Does CAT Tests?

Your logical & verbal abilities through type of questions. Your ability to make strategy for format of test, sectional cut-offs, differential marking & time constraints.:-)

The MBA CAT changes its question pattern over years. The number of questions has been reduced & the type of question are quite same. If you look at CAT history, in CAT 1992, there were 4 sections of 175 questions. In CAT 1995 the number of questions increased to 185. In CAT 1996 the number of sections was reduced to 2 & number of questions remained same. In CAT 1999, the pattern again changed, with 3 sections & 165 question. In 2004 number reduced to 123 & diffirent marking was introduced. In CAT 2005, CAT brought down the number number of question drastically to 90. For more on CAT exam visit CATMBABLOG

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Why an MBA?

Is the MBA the right degree for everyone? The obvious answer should be...No! The MBA is not right for everyone. Although, I am an advocate of the MBA in general, there are certain specifics you should consider before pursuing this degree.

First and foremost, you need to know yourself and your career objectives. If the MBA does not seem like it will be a good fit, do not pursue it. I do not recommend going into any program unless you feel good about it. Just because the MBA is a great degree, does not mean it is right for you.

I will approach this question "why an MBA?" from both sides of the table...that is, the pros and the cons.

Pros - Why to get an MBA

There are many reasons why an MBA is a good choice. See the reasons below:

* The MBA is a very marketable masters degree. It is very well known and it seems to enjoy recognition all over. After receiving the MBA, you can put those initials after your name. Can you do that with a Master of Science degree?

* The MBA offers valuable management and business content. If you are new to business or even experienced, this degree has a lot to offer. You can learn functional skills and concepts that seem to be applicable into any industry or job.

* The MBA is very flexible. You can choose the program type (full time, part time, distance, etc). You can specialize or stay general. Depending on the program and the school, the MBA can be completed between 30 and 60 credits. All this, and you still get the same marketable degree.

Cons - Why NOT to get an MBA

There are also reasons why an MBA may not be a good choice. See the reasons below:

* Maybe you need extra specialization or you have a specific career goal. For example, a Master of Accounting (MAcc) is a common masters degree to prepare one for the CPA exam. In this case, the MBA may not be the best choice. In certain cases, if you are pursuing a PhD, there may be better choices.

* Maybe the MBA is too cost prohibitive. MBAs tend to cost more than other degrees. This is because of its recognition and marketability. Weight out the return on investment. This is good advice for any investment. You may have more options than you think, so look around at as many programs as you can.

* I have heard arguments that the MBA is so popular that it has become "watered down". This is a perspective from someone who thinks you can only receive a full-time, two-year MBA from a prestigious school. The way I see it, if you are going to earn a masters degree, get one that is recognizable.

Realize that this is a short list of pros and cons and it by no means comprehensive. It should get you thinking about why an MBA is right or why another choice may be better.

One final note...unless you get an MBA from the "top" 10 or 20 ranked business schools, it really does not matter where you get your MBA.

* A great career enhancer in many ways. It can help with career advancement as well as career changing.

* It provides a great potential for return on investment. Your earning power is likely to increase with this degree.

I hope some of these suggestions help to simplify the answer to the question "What is an MBA?". These are just the highlights of the MBA. As you can see, there are a lot of great aspects to the MBA degree.

Christian LeCheminant is an advocate of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree. He holds an MBA from Southern Utah University (SUU). For more MBA information, visit

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Considering An Online MBA - An Investigation Into Accreditation and Pricing for 10 Programs


It should come as no surprise that the Master of Business Administration (MBA) is highly coveted by many business professionals. And for good reason. Earning an MBA can potentially lead to more responsibility and greater income. Based on surveys conducted by the Graduate Management Admissions Council, MBA graduates tend to experience a 41 percent salary increase on average after receiving the degree. However, it should be noted that additional factors, such as job function, industry, location, and job-related experience also heavily influence salary increases when combined with an MBA degree.


According to the National Center for Education Statistics, business majors comprise the second largest academic discipline for graduate degrees after education majors. During a 25-year period spanning 1980 until 2005, business-related graduate degrees increased by 114 percent. In an August 2007 BusinessWeek article, the publication noted that over two-thirds of existing part-time MBA programs reported more application submissions from domestic students than in 2006.

B-School Accreditation

First, an understanding of business school (B-school) accrediting can prove useful in better assessing the quality of a college or university's business curriculum. Business schools are usually accredited by one of three agencies: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), and the International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE). U.S. institutions must also hold regional accreditation.

AACSB, founded in 1916, is the oldest and largest such accrediting agency. The most prestigious B-schools in the United States - Harvard, MIT, the University of Chicago, and all flagship state universities - hold AACSB accreditation. Of 551 collegiate B-schools listed in the AACSB-accredited directory, 94 reside outside the U.S. AACSB-accreditation is widely regarded in academic circles as the gold standard for B-school approval.

ACBSP began operations in 1988 as an alternative to the AACSB. Of the 403 member institutions, 297 have received accreditation. Noteworthy schools with ACBSP accreditation are Kent State University, Norwich University, Troy University, and the University of Toledo.

IACBE, having formed in 1997, is the most recent addition to the list of B-school approving entities. The organization claims more than 200 domestic and international members. Aside from locally known institutions, perhaps the most recognizable IACBE member is the now-independent University of Maryland University College (UMUC). UMUC was begun in 1947 to provide an extension for the AACSB-accredited University of Maryland.

Shopping for an Online MBA Program

If used correctly, internet search engines can function as effective tools when shopping for an online MBA program. However, prospective students are urged to exercise caution. Aside from numerous offerings by a variety of colleges, many unaccredited schools can also display in search results. The key is to determine if a selected MBA program could provide an efficient Return On Investment (ROI).

Ten Online MBA Programs - A Comparison

A survey of tuition rates was conducted for ten online MBA programs listed below. Programs are divided into two groups. For this survey, tuition rates are based on general or management MBA degree concentrations.

Group I includes American InterContinental University, Capella University, Kaplan University, University of Phoenix, and Walden University.

Group II universities are Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Mississippi State University, Morehead State University in Kentucky, University of South Dakota, and Western Kentucky University.

Group I - The first five MBA programs are heavily advertised by for-profit schools and frequently appear in Google or Yahoo search results.

- American InterContinental University (AIU)

Regional Accreditation: Yes. Professional B-school Accreditation: None. Hours required: 48 credit hours. Cost per credit hour: $645.33. Total Tuition Cost Based on Present Rates: $30,975.

- Capella University

Regional Accreditation: Yes. Professional B-school Accreditation: ACBSP. Hours required: 48 credit hours. Cost per credit hour: $605. Total Tuition Cost Based on Present Rates: $29,040.

- Kaplan University

Regional Accreditation: Yes. Professional B-school Accreditation: None. Hours required: 52 quarter credit hours. Cost per credit hour: $395. Total Tuition Cost Based on Present Rates: $20,540.

- University of Phoenix

Regional Accreditation: Yes. Professional B-school Accreditation: ACBSP. Hours required: 39 credit hours. Cost per credit hour: $612. Total Tuition Cost Based on Present Rates: $23,868.

- Walden University

Regional Accreditation: Yes. Professional B-school Accreditation: None. Hours required: 36 semester hours. Cost per credit hour: $685, includes textbooks. Total Tuition Cost Based on Present Rates: $24,660.

Group II - The next five online MBA programs are offered by public universities, and listed for comparative purposes. When comparing degree options, it is important to note tuition costs and accreditation.

- Clarion University of Pennsylvania

Regional Accreditation: Yes. Professional B-school Accreditation: AACSB. Hours required: 33 semester hours. Cost per credit hour: $402 in-state/$416 out-of-State. Total Tuition Cost Based on Present Rates: $13,728.

- Mississippi State University

Regional Accreditation: Yes. Professional B-school Accreditation: AACSB. Hours required: 30 semester hours. Cost per credit hour: $473 in-state and out-of-state. Total Tuition Cost Based on Present Rates: $14,190.

- Morehead State University (Kentucky)

Regional Accreditation: Yes. Professional B-school Accreditation: AACSB. Hours required: 36 semester hours. Cost per credit hour: $355 in-state and out-of-state. Total Tuition Cost Based on Present Rates: $12,780.

- University of South Dakota

Regional Accreditation: Yes. Professional B-school Accreditation: AACSB. Hours required: 33 semester hours. Cost per credit hour: $269.35 in-state and out-of-state. Total Tuition Cost Based on Present Rates: $8,889.

- Western Kentucky University

Regional Accreditation: Yes. Professional B-school Accreditation: AACSB. Hours required: 30 semester hours. Cost per credit hour: $421 in-state and out-of-state. Total Tuition Cost Based on Present Rates: $12,630.

Program information current as of September 17, 2007. Data collected from respective university websites.


As evidenced above, accreditation and cost differences between programs are dramatic in some cases. For example, the most expensive program in Group II (Mississippi State) costs $6,000 less than the least expensive program (Kaplan) in Group I. American InterContinental University's $30,000 online MBA is almost 3 1/2 times more expensive than a similar online offering through the University of South Dakota that goes for roughly $8,900. Not one of the more expensive online MBA programs in Group I holds AACSB accreditation.

Prospective students are strongly advised to conduct as much research as possible before choosing a program. A few hours spent critically examining various schools and asking questions can potentially save thousands of dollars.

Paul closely monitors online college degree programs in the USA. His blog, e-Learning Pundit, focuses on the many distance degree opportunities that are often lost in cyberspace.

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Online MBA - New Credibility Distance Learning for Your Career Advancement

Distance-learning programs have been given increased credibility by the spread of information technology. The growth in the number of MBAs awarded in recent years is largely a result of distance learning program in conjunction with the widely acceptance of online degree in the job market. Individual who are looking for higher career achievement can now choose to pursue their MBA online while maintain their career and living style. With the available of online MBA programs, you have no excuses to delay pursuing your MBA just because you are busy with your work. Many online MBA programs are able to fit well into your busy schedule.

When you move along your career path, working experience, skills and knowledge are the most important elements to ensure the success of your career. You gain your working experience in your career field from the first day you start your career and along the way of your career path. Stronger educational background will definitely helps you to move your career steps faster and smoother to achieve the career level you are dreaming for. The higher your career level, the wider of your job scope and the more people you need to face & handle. Hence, interpersonal, people management & communication are among the required skills for these types of job positions. MBA programs with various concentrations which depend on your area of focus can train you with the required knowledge and skills for your career achievement.

If you take your MBA online, your can study at your own time that fit into your schedule, you can learn at home or even while traveling. It gives you the flexibility and convenient to earn your MBA degree online while continue with your career move. Most of online MBA degree programs take12 to 24 months to complete, but there are fast track MBA programs which can be completed in 18 weeks. Although many online MBA enable you to earn your degree 100% online, but there are schools required you to attend a certain hours of face-to-face tutorials.

When you are choosing your online MBA program, it is important that you select an MBA program from an accredited university with a good track record and reputation. Although getting your MBA degree from top-ranked university is the best option but if their MBA courses cannot meet your career goals, you need to select from the alternatives. The rules of thumb for selecting your online MBA program is the school and the MBA program must be accredited by an accreditation agency that is recognized by Department of Education. This is to avoid any trap by degree mills, online degree scams who want to cheat your money without giving you the degree that worth a value.

In additional, distance-learning MBA are becoming increasingly popular among employers. Companies are more likely to provide support in term of scholarships or grants for their potential employees to enhance their management skills through online MBA program. You should check out whether your company does provides this employee benefits, don't this opportunity to earn your MBA degree for your career advancement or job promotion.

In Summary

Online MBA is a new credibility distance learning program that enables you to earn your MBA degree online from your selected place and at your own pace with your own schedule. It provides a good opportunity for you to plan your career advancement with the required MBA degree.

Julie Harvard is the author of , an online degree directory that lets you browse over 1000 accredited online MBA programs offer by reputable online universities.

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Five Tips To Find The Best Online MBA Program

MBA is among the most popular business degree to earn online. The knowledge and the skill in the business administration field is important for people who work in business world, whether you are a self-employed boss or under employed in a corporate. Getting a MBA degree becomes easy and convenient with the available of online MBA degree programs. There are too many online universities and traditional brick & mortar colleges offer online MBA programs, sometimes it confuses you and you may find hard to decide one to enroll due to too many choices. Here are six tips that can help you to find the best Online MBA program that meet your goal.

Tip #1:

The best online MBA program must be accredited by an accreditation agency that is recognized by US Department of Education. Accreditation is important measurement of the quality of a degree program. With a proper accreditation, an Online MBA program is certified to meet a standard education guideline and most prospective employers place an emphasis on this point because it assures them that you will have the skills that meet the job position requirement.

Tip #2:

Most of students taking MBA program are employed full-time. Hence, the best online program must be able to provide the flexibility to adjust your schedule to fit into your busy time for work and family. A good online MBA program should be lenient in learning time, places and learning pace.

Tip #3:

When you enroll in an online MBA program, you will be assigned to difference online classes which monitor and mentor by online lecturer. The best MBA program shouldn't have too many students in one online class; this will cause the lecturer unable to give good attendance to all the students and gives a good learning guidance. 8-12 students per lecturer are a good ratio for online students to achieve a perfect learning environment with a good attention from the lecturer.

Tip #4:

The best online MBA program should have the best professors who have full of real experience in all aspects of the business world. While searching for the Best Online MBA program, remember to analyze the faculties and understand the school's academic approach. You can talk to the admission officer through online chat session (most online universities have their admission officer online to answer enquiries live) and get a detail understanding on who are the lecturers involve in teaching the online MBA courses, what are their academic background and experience in real business world.

Tip #5:

Look for the online university that offers online MBA programs has an established alumni program. An established alumni program will have a good networking between school and companies, which will help you to get a promotion or make a smooth career transition worldwide. The best online MBA program should counter in your career opportunities and provides you with career support services through free career seminars to guide you in your resume writing, provides you with tips for preparing interviews & etc. These career support services are important to help you jump-start your career or make a smooth career transition.


Getting a degree from the best online MBA program is important to ensure your degree have the maximum value in helping your career moves. Hope that the above tips will give you some guides in searching for the best online MBA program that best fit your educational and career goal.

Julie Harvard is the author of You can search for your favorite online courses at over 120 Online Schools and you can get more information on over 1000 of Online MBA Degrees at this site.

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Study for That MBA - With Online Distance Learning

Distance learning is not a new concept among various modes of study. Management colleges also realize the importance of these courses, and as a result most reputed management institutions now offer you this facility. In fact, there are many institutions that offer only distance-education courses.

Having said that, taking up a distance learning course and moreover, completing it is not so easy. In fact many students leave it half way and completely waste their money as well as precious time. So before taking up any distance MBA course, you should keep some things in mind.

The first thing that you need to do is check your preparation and dedication to this. Like whether you will be able to complete the course on your own. This is extremely difficult because you do not get a fixed routine like that of a campus program. Therefore, your dedication level will need to be extremely high.

The second thing that you need to look out for is the accreditation of the course that you opt for. This is absolutely necessary as your degree would be of no value if it does not have accreditation from a statutory body recognized by the state authorities. Also check whether the course has the same value as that of a regular campus course in terms of employment and future opportunities.

Another thing that you need to look for is the technology applied while teaching. An MBA course is quite rigorous and also a tough one. You will require a lot of academic help. So check whether the institution has the facility of an online instructor for 24 hours or not.

You should see whether the course has the provision of discussions between the instructor and the students. Many institutions also have forums where students from around the globe can contact each other and the alumni for academic help. These are a couple of things that help a student in the long run, so you need to look out for these facilities

Distance learning MBA programs are gaining popularity and as such, seats are few. So the next thing that you need to do is some proper research on the institution, fees, course structure and also the credibility of the course that you plan to take up. The best way to do it is to take the help of internet.

Finally, another important element that you should look for before taking up a distance learning course is Live Interactive Television. Through this, students and instructors can interact in live mode. It is just like a class, only on screen. The teacher here addresses a larger audience, and students can get immediate help with any problems they may be having. Having a choice of Live TV renders great academic help to the student, and should be an important factor while selecting a distance education course, especially one as tough as MBA.

Keith Evans owns and operates and Mba Online

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Avoid the 4 Common Mistakes Make by Online MBA Students

Pursuing your MBA online is your wise decision because an MBA prepare you to face more challenges tasks in your career and equip yourself to meet the pre-requirement of any managerial position. However, many online MBA students are making some common mistakes that may harm your chances of finding success. Don't let yourself making these mistakes:

Mistake #1: Enroll Into Unaccredited Online MBA Program

Many online students are enrolled into an online MBA program because they are attracted by the program features, cost and some un-verified guarantees advertised by the online university. These advertisements may be published by diploma mills for the purpose of squeezing your money with an exchange of fake MBA degree that worth nothing and these MBA degrees are not accepted in the job market. Try to imagine what the consequences are, if you carry this fake MBA degree to apply for career switch or job promotion.

It is important that you enroll into a proper accredited online MBA program which the accreditation agency is the one that is recognized by Department of Education. A proper accredited MBA degree program is a qualify assurance of your MBA degree and many employers are using this benchmark when they review the MBA degree of their candidates. Hence, always spend your time to confirm the legitimate accreditation information about the online MBA program that you are interested to sign up.

Mistake #2: Enroll Into MBA Program with Wrong Specialization

MBA cover a wide range of specializations. You can choose an MBA program with specialization or concentration that is related to your career goal. Many online MBA students do not realize that they have many options in selecting their MBA specialization. Most students are selecting the common specialization such as marketing, finance and business management. Although, these MBA specializations can provides you with the necessary knowledge and prepare yourself for managerial job promotion but if you can choose an MBA specialization that is closely related to your career, then you can maximum the value of MBA degree because it contains courses that are related to your working field.

For example, if you are in the healthcare industry, an MBA program with specialization in Healthcare Management may be more appropriate than MBA program with specialization in Business Management. Hence, get the full information on the available MBA options before you sign up any online MBA program so that you have the chances to select the best online MBA specialization that best fit your career goal.

Mistake #3: Loose Focus on Their Online MBA Study

Many students will easily lose focus on their MBA study if nobody looks after their shoulder and many are end up with unable to complete their MBA study. Online MBA program provides you with flexibility to plan your own study schedule but it may easily cause you to neglecting your assignments, course works or projects if you are a kind of students that required attention and motivation from instructors or lecturers to guide you along your study path.

If you are insisting in getting your MBA online, then, you should manage your time properly for work, live and study and stick to you schedule firmly so that you will stay focus on your MBA study. You may get help from your spouse or family members to act as your motivators or reminders so that you won't accidentally go out of your study track.

Mistake #4: Paying the MBA Program with Their Own Money

MBA is the most common master degree program, and one of the most given financial aids degree program especially from employers. Many online MBA students not realize that there are many financial aids options to fund their MBA study, end up with paying their MBA program with their own money.

If you are a working individual who are taking online MBA program, first check with your company on the available financial aids. You should utilize this employee benefits to fund your study if your company has fund allocations for employees' continuous education program. Beside that, many universities do provide financial aids for their students and there are many resources to find your qualified financial aids either online or offline. So, get your online MBA study funded with these financial aids and save your own money for other purpose.


MBA is the best degree program that can help in your career advancement. Avoid making some common mistakes made by online MBA students that may harm your chances of finding success with an MBA degree.

Amelia Turner, an educational article writer for You can find more details information and free resources about online MBA degrees, online business degrees, financial aids and other online education programs that can help you to make decision to earn your degree online.

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Why an Accredited Online MBA Program is Worth So Much More

An accredited MBA diploma is your entry to a better life, job prospects, and a higher personal satisfaction level. Your MBA diploma prepares you for the work challenges. It also assures prospective employers that you have the educational qualifications and appropriate skills to handle senior managerial responsibilities.

In addition, your diploma from a reputable online MBA program makes you a valuable asset in the work place.

And that’s why it is certainly in your best interests to know what accreditation of online MBA programs means and why this is critical to your prospects for employment.

Where can you get this valuable piece of information? First, access the US Department of Education official website. Although the Department does not conduct these evaluations, it works closely with the various accrediting agencies, on regional and national levels. These accrediting agencies, in turn are the designated authorities who’ll evaluate the quality of education found educational institutions.

Are there online accrediting agencies? Yes, these accrediting agencies apply the same rigorous standards in evaluating whether an online university or college utilizes the proper teaching methods and materials. However, these standards have been modified to answer the particular differences of online educational programs.

Here’s a 5-step guide you should use in researching whether the online MBA program you’re planning to enroll is legitimately accredited.

When you log on to this educational institution’s homepage, check to see if they have advertised their professional membership in an accrediting agency.

Next – double check by going to the accrediting agency’s website. Then access their membership list of accredited schools to see if this educational institution is listed .

Thirdly, check out the U.S. Department of Education database of Postsecondary Educational Institutions and Programs, to see if the accredited agency is listed.

A fourth source of information the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) website. This is a nongovernmental higher education organization that examines the all the accrediting agencies.

Fifth – conduct research on their faculty. You can access the school’s website and obtain a listing of the faculty. Take time to read up on their professional resumes, and credentials. Are their educational backgrounds and expertise in line with the courses they are teaching?

Make no mistake about this; you must take the initiative in ensuring you graduate from an accredited online MBA program. Alternatively, you will suffer some serious consequences later on.

The first less serious consequence you’d get from enrolling in an unaccredited online MBA program is when you change schools and transfer the credits earned. You won’t be able to transfer those earned credits. This means, you have lost a considerable amount of money, time, and resources down the drain. But by far the worse consequence? You’ll get from graduating from an unaccredited online MBA program, is the serious loss of your present job, future work opportunities, and professional credibility, and the real possibility of jail time.

All because you did not tame the time to educate yourself on selecting an accredited online MBA program.

There is great value in graduating from an accredited online MBA program and immeasurable losses if the online MBA program is unaccredited.

Mansi aggarwal recommends that you visit for more information on accredited online MBA program.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Why And How To Pursue Online MBA Courses?

The online MBA courses and programs are hugely popular among mid-career professionals and older adults, who cannot afford to give up their current employment. If you are yearning to earn a new degree or are keen for a career change, yet have to shoulder family and other responsibilities, you will find a great option in the online MBA programs.

You will require clearing the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) for admission in an online MBA program. Most online MBA courses have a 30-credit program that covers all aspects of a business - right from accounting and finance to risk management. The courses are so designed that they hone your assessment and management skills to help you better manage business operations. (The online programs will allow you great flexibility, permitting you to plan and accommodate the classes according to your schedule).

Go for anyone of the many accredited online MBA courses and you will surely get the much-coveted job promotion. If you own a business, your online MBA degree will help you take your business to great heights!

What Do You Need For An Online MBA Degree Program?

The online MBA degree program, as such, is not very different from the traditional MBA programs, except that the former allows you to earn the degree from the comfort of your own home at your own pace, without having to attend fixed-hour classes. This calls for increased efforts on the part of the student.

An online MBA program revolves round online lectures, readings, discussions and students are even given assignments. Video lectures and videoconferencing are very important for these online programs.

You will be required to physically attend some programs and courses; however, here again, you will have the complete freedom of choosing the workshops and guides.


Online MBA courses are a bit costly. Accredited institutions, however, offer you financial assistance in the form of loans, grants and scholarships. As in traditional courses, scholarships and grants are given to deserving candidates. Study loans too have to be arranged through the institution's finance aid office.

Validity Of Online MBA Degree Courses

Speaking of the validity aspect or universal acceptance of the online MBA courses, you must note that the degrees provided by accredited institutions are all valid. Such a professional degree is bound to be accepted anywhere. As an online MBA degree-holder you may not be awarded with a high-paying, big corporation job on your first attempt but then it will give you the first major break and it will be only a matter of time for you to make it to the upper rungs.

Hugo Broadwell runs an informational website that provides Top MBA Program listing, guides to business school mba and knowledge about MBA distance learning. To take advantage in concluding an educated and well founded decision about your online MBA degree make sure you visit Hugo Broadwell's site at

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What is the Best Online MBA Program for Me?

The best online MBA program for you is one, wherein the program’s core courses and specializations are consistently matched to your career interests and objectives.

Here’s a fail-safe 6-point guide you can use to determine which among the many online MBA programs found on the net, is the best fit for you and your career goals.

One – select an accredited online MBA program. Whether you plan to embark on an entirely different career, or are looking to enhance an existing one, you should always pick an accredited online MBA program. An accredited online MBA program guarantees you are getting the best education possible. It also assures prospective employers that you have the skills they need in the company.

Two – This online MBA program can be customized to your needs and schedules. Surveys have shown that over 70% of MBA students are full time professionals. The program you enroll in should you give you the option of working when you have free time and the ability to accelerate your learning pace.

Three – What is the online ratio of professors to students? Online studies and surveys of MBA students have shown that classes where the number of students is limited 8-13 students to a teacher is the optimum learning environment. For you will need the guidance of your advisor as you determine your specializations and other details related to the course.

Fourth – Are you learning from top-notch online professors? Check the faculty of the prospective MBA program. Learning from these eminent professors ensures, you will glean invaluable insights because they possess real-world experiences and on different aspects of the business world.

Another question you will need to do research on is the school’s academic approach. Is it anchored on established teaching methods and aided by innovative technology online?

Fifth – Is there an alumni program in place? You should carefully evaluate the many benefits a sound alumni program will give your career. You’ve have opportunities to network, which will give you the added ability to get job promotions, or make a smooth career transition here or elsewhere in the globe. Another central aspect of the alumni network is the option of joining a mentoring program.

Sixth – in the matter of giving you excellent career opportunities, does this online MBA program have a career services center with the following support?

One aspect, free training, or free attendance in courses related to your degree. Other career services include guidance in creating your resumes or portfolios, and the necessary planning that goes before an interview. You should therefore carefully weigh the comprehensiveness and competence of the school’s career services, when selecting the MBA program that’s best for you.

Here is a thought to ponder on, as you evaluate the importance of finding the best online MBA program for your needs. With an MBA degree, the ability of your salary to increase jumps up by as much as 50%. Don’t you therefore owe it to yourself to use these pointers in picking the best online MBA program to get your career to a rapid start?

Mansi gupta recommends that you visit for more information on best online MBA program

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Why Are Online MBA University Programs So Effective?

Online mba university programs have become a major force in the business world. Just a few short years ago, the inability for classes to interact made it seem impossible to get a full mba experience with an online version.

Teleconferencing, MSN, and other technologies simply could not replicate the high intensity, spontaneous learning environment that a real classroom could provide.

And when all your classmates scored over 600 on the GMAT, you knew it would be a high impact experience.

Things have changed in recent years, and while online mba programs do not provide the same experience that intensive classroom situations provide, they do provide some great advantages.

For instance, right now you can apply for an online mba program, and if you are accepted, your tuition can be less than 10% of what you'd pay for interaction at a big name school.

Second, the materials are often recorded and archived, so you can replay the class over and over, and really learn what the professor was teaching in that class.

For some industries, such as Internet technology, it has a big difference. Take Athabasca University, for instance. It is a virtually unknown MBA school, but in the online world, some of its graduates are tearing up the Internet.

It probably has something to do with the the familiarity with Internet technologies that you get exposed to when accessing your courses, classmates, and learning materials.

In any case, the day of the cheap and high powered MBA are here, and they are only available online.

Don't pick the wrong online business school - click here to learn about online mba university programs.

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What Are the Advantages of Getting an MBA Online?

Is it possible for you to earn an MBA from your home? It is indeed, and it is far easier than you may imagine. All it takes is strong self-motivation and a sense of diligence as well as the dedication to keep going in the face of the many distractions of work and family. There are few experiences more rewarding than finishing your MBA degree, and with online programs now available, you do not have to postpone getting it any longer. An online MBA degree program can be fit into your schedule so that you can complete it at your own pace and convenience.

Another advantage of a distance learning MBA program is the reduction of what you would otherwise spend on similar education. Let’s face it, aside from the tuition you have to pay, higher education also includes a number of additional costs, such as travel to and from a university, and room and board.

When you are on an online program, you do not have to go anywhere, and so you will not incur any expenses on fuel and parking lot fees. Nor will you have to experience the hassle of public transportation or deal with traffic congestion. The value of the time and convenience you save is incalculable. Furthermore, you will not have to uproot yourself and move to a distant state or city to attend the program of your choice. That will save you more travel costs, and the expenses of room and board, not the mention the bother of moving and the interruption of your lifestyle.

It is also possible that you will save on tuition as well. Since an online MBA program does not require a classroom, the university will have that room for use in a different course, saving it money. This may be translated into a lower tuition fee, which you can take advantage of.

But the primary advantage of an online MBA program is the flexibility that it offers. You can adapt its schedule to fit your lifestyle, instead of adapting your life to it. You will not be forced to take a leave of absence from your job or spend any time away from your family. You will be able to do your class work at the hours that are most convenient to you. And you are allowed ample time in which to finish, up to five years for some online programs. All these advantages make taking an online MBA program very attractive indeed.

Check out more articles on online MBA programs and other forms of distance learning at

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Sunday, January 6, 2008

How To Find the Best Online MBA Programs

So, you’ve decided to go back to school to get your MBA, but just aren’t sure how you will fit it in with your hectic lifestyle. Since quitting your job is out of the question, perhaps looking into online learning may be just the ticket for you. An honest evaluation of your intent should be the first step in embarking on the path to success.

Will you have the time? Will the funds be available? Do you have the desire and commitment to follow through? These are just a few of the considerations you must address before embarking on such a life-altering experience.

Online MBA programs have increasingly become one of the most popular avenues for both young and old as they offer a flexibility that is rarely attainable with conventional education facilities. Before you decide to invest your hard-earned dollars in any online MBA program, you must spend a little time doing some research. Being fully cognizant of all your options, the costs involved and the time commitment necessary to complete your degree will go a long way in helping you to make an informed decision. Some of the things you should consider are:

What are the differences between online MBA programs and traditional programs?


  • Whether you obtain your MBA from an accredited online establishment or decide to attend a bricks and mortar institution, the curriculum is basically the same. Online students are still expected to be dedicated students whose primary focus is obtaining a degree. Being an online student does, however, require a particular commitment as most of your studying is done independently.



  • Respectable Online MBA programs offer a curriculum based on lectures, readings, assignments and participation in online discussions. Students will be expected to take part in video lectures, videoconferencing and pod casting. Some online institutions do require physical attendance at a limited number of related courses and workshops.



  • Online learning students must be prepared to spend as much time studying as their counterparts, the big difference is that online students can regulate their own schedules and fit the work in when time permits.


Do potential employers accept Online MBA degrees?


  • An MBA degree obtained from respectable, accredited Online Learning Centers offer the same opportunity to open doors to better careers as graduates from bricks and mortar establishments receive. However, this is where your research plays a vital role. Make sure the school you attend is not only respectable, but also accredited.



  • Most post-secondary institutions now offer an off-campus, Online learning options and they have developed intensive multimedia programs used to assist their students in developing skills, building comprehensive portfolios and acquiring the information necessary to advance in their chosen field.



  • Schools with good reputations will offer accredited, comprehensive and respectable online training programs. However, be aware that there are numerous unaccredited programs that provide worthless degrees and are designed primarily to separate you from your hard-earned dollars. Never commit funds or time to any of these so called “diploma mills”.


How do I find an accredited, respectable site for my online MBA learning?


  • Try querying “distance learning” in any search engine and you will come up with a myriad of sites to choose from.



  • Contact an accredited school and ask if they provide online distance learning as an optional tool for students.



  • You might want to start your search by perusing .


Remember, online learning offers a great deal more flexibility than traditional means, however, your dedication and commitment levels must be finely tuned. Employers are always on the lookout for motivated, self-starters who are committed to their futures. These qualities are readily apparent in anyone who has successfully completed an online MBA program and should be appreciated by any HR representative wanting to bring winners onto their teams.

Rob Thomas is a freelance writer and webmaster. Check out for more information on getting your college degree or masters degree online.

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How To Find the Best Online MBA Programs

So, you’ve decided to go back to school to get your MBA, but just aren’t sure how you will fit it in with your hectic lifestyle. Since quitting your job is out of the question, perhaps looking into online learning may be just the ticket for you. An honest evaluation of your intent should be the first step in embarking on the path to success.

Will you have the time? Will the funds be available? Do you have the desire and commitment to follow through? These are just a few of the considerations you must address before embarking on such a life-altering experience.

Online MBA programs have increasingly become one of the most popular avenues for both young and old as they offer a flexibility that is rarely attainable with conventional education facilities. Before you decide to invest your hard-earned dollars in any online MBA program, you must spend a little time doing some research. Being fully cognizant of all your options, the costs involved and the time commitment necessary to complete your degree will go a long way in helping you to make an informed decision. Some of the things you should consider are:

What are the differences between online MBA programs and traditional programs?


  • Whether you obtain your MBA from an accredited online establishment or decide to attend a bricks and mortar institution, the curriculum is basically the same. Online students are still expected to be dedicated students whose primary focus is obtaining a degree. Being an online student does, however, require a particular commitment as most of your studying is done independently.



  • Respectable Online MBA programs offer a curriculum based on lectures, readings, assignments and participation in online discussions. Students will be expected to take part in video lectures, videoconferencing and pod casting. Some online institutions do require physical attendance at a limited number of related courses and workshops.



  • Online learning students must be prepared to spend as much time studying as their counterparts, the big difference is that online students can regulate their own schedules and fit the work in when time permits.


Do potential employers accept Online MBA degrees?


  • An MBA degree obtained from respectable, accredited Online Learning Centers offer the same opportunity to open doors to better careers as graduates from bricks and mortar establishments receive. However, this is where your research plays a vital role. Make sure the school you attend is not only respectable, but also accredited.



  • Most post-secondary institutions now offer an off-campus, Online learning options and they have developed intensive multimedia programs used to assist their students in developing skills, building comprehensive portfolios and acquiring the information necessary to advance in their chosen field.



  • Schools with good reputations will offer accredited, comprehensive and respectable online training programs. However, be aware that there are numerous unaccredited programs that provide worthless degrees and are designed primarily to separate you from your hard-earned dollars. Never commit funds or time to any of these so called “diploma mills”.


How do I find an accredited, respectable site for my online MBA learning?


  • Try querying “distance learning” in any search engine and you will come up with a myriad of sites to choose from.



  • Contact an accredited school and ask if they provide online distance learning as an optional tool for students.



  • You might want to start your search by perusing .


Remember, online learning offers a great deal more flexibility than traditional means, however, your dedication and commitment levels must be finely tuned. Employers are always on the lookout for motivated, self-starters who are committed to their futures. These qualities are readily apparent in anyone who has successfully completed an online MBA program and should be appreciated by any HR representative wanting to bring winners onto their teams.

Rob Thomas is a freelance writer and webmaster. Check out for more information on getting your college degree or masters degree online.

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What Do I Need to Take an Online MBA Course?

Most online MBA courses are commonly put together to meet the needs of working students with undergraduate degrees in business related programs, as well as those with undergraduate degrees outside the area of business. Depending on the student's prior education in business, most online MBA courses have a 30 credit program, that can often be completed in as little as two years. Depending on the learning institution, students may transfer in up to 6 credits towards their MBA.

In order to know what you need to take an online MBA course, you should first understand how online MBA courses work. All work in the online classrooms is completed and submitted through the computer. Written work is usually submitted as an email attachment. Just like in a traditional classroom, students are often expected to read any textbook material prior to the due date specified in his/her syllabus or course calendar. Class participation is commonly expected from each student in order to successfully pass each course.

It is not uncommon to finish an entire MBA degree program from the comfort of your own home. But if you desire to have a personal meeting with your professor, you are normally welcome to schedule one. The only thing you need in order to take an MBA course is a computer and the desire. The computer would need to be internet ready, with the capability to send email attachments. Depending on the specific institution, windows 95 or greater is necessary.

Registering for an online MBA course is fairly simple. It is basically the same process you endure when you intend to apply for your education through a classroom. You must submit a completed application to the learning institution. Your application fee, and a copy of your resume should accompany the application, as well as any undergraduate and graduate transcripts. Very often your GMAT exam scores will also be necessary. If you already have a Master's Degree from an accredited college, you may not be required to take the GMAT exam. That will depend on the individual learning institution.

Online MBA courses can be costly, but as long as the institution is accredited, financial aid is available. Financial assistance is often available in the form of loans, grants, and scholarships. To apply for grants, you need to fill out the federal FAGSA form, as well as check with your school's financial aid office for aid they may offer. Sometimes, even veteran's benefits may be available to the student. After registering for the online MBA course, it is always best to visit the school's financial assistance office, or visit that section of their web page for available scholarships and grants.

Understanding the processes and procedures of online MBA courses is important before you enroll. With an internet ready computer, a desire to learn, online MBA courses could be perfect from you. With online MBA courses, you can get the degree you desire from the comfort of your own home

Mansi aggarwal recommends that you visit for more information on online MBA course

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Continue Your Education With an MBA Online

What is a good way for me to advance my education despite having no real time to myself? I get busy with work and it is difficult for me to consider extending my education when I would have to commute to a campus, find time to go to classes, and then still work. One way I found that can help busy professionals continue their education without even having to leave the house is by pursuing an MBA online. By working on an MBA online, you don’t have to worry about commuting, going to classes at inconvenient times, or even scheduling around your job.

An MBA is a powerful and helpful degree. Also known as a Masters of Business Administration, an MBA is the next logical step in education to extend your business career. However, it is quandary since you are working hard to move up, but also have to find a way to continue your education. The perfect the way to do that is to work on your MBA online. By doing so, you can avoid all the time constraints that go along with a traditional graduate program, plus you can work on your classes when you have the time and when your busy schedule permits.

The best way to find an MBA online is to check through a search engine first. There are a number of universities and business colleges that offer MBA’s over the internet as part of their normal curriculum. There are also universities that specialize in online programs including MBA online schools. No matter which kind you prefer, you may want to begin your search on a search engine.

So how does an MBA online work? You will likely have to first apply, probably online. If it is a traditional school offering an online program, you may have to visit the campus to get everything arranged. Once you are in, you will log in through the internet to take each of the classes required to complete your degree. Depending on the MBA online program, some may be self-pacing. More often, though, they will be on a weekly schedule, but you will be able to actually do the work when you get time. There will still be texts to read and activities to do, but all of it will be available to you from your desktop.

Finding time, as a professional, to continue your education can be very difficult. You are busy with your work and with what time you have, it would probably be nearly impossible to find classes that would work for you. The answer can very possibly be an MBA online program. By pursuing your degree online you can avoid the time constraints that come with a traditional program. You can work around your schedule, do so from your home, and thus be able to get your MBA even with a busy work schedule that isn’t consistent. An MBA is an important degree if you want to move on in the business world, and it can be time consuming. So, consider working on your MBA online to help your career and education progress.

If you would like to find more of my personal articles on online degrees please check out my education website!

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